Category: LifeStyle

New French pastry shop opens in Kazanchis

A new French pastry shop has opened in Addis Ababa’s Kazanchis area, enticing fans of butter and sugar to line up for croissants, pain au chocolate, and other delights. Chez Jean Pierre, at the corner of Guinea Conakry Street, close…
ልጆቻችንን ምን እየመገብን ነው?

በፉብሪካ ሂደት ያለፉ እና ይዘታቸው ከመጠን በላይ የተቀየሩ ምግቦች (ultra-processed foods)በልጆች ላይ ከልክ ያለፈ የሰውነት ውፍረት እያስከተሉ ነውን? ሱስ የማስያዝ ችሎታስ አላቸውን? ዶ/ር ክሪስ ቫን ቱልከን በገዛ ራሳቸው ላይ ሙከራ በማድረግ ያዪት ውጤት ሳይንቲስቶችን እንኳን ያስደነገጠ ሆኗል፡፡ በመላው ዓለም ፣…
Designer showcases collection at UNESCO fashion show

Ethiopian up-and-coming designer showed off a range of her designs at the Africa Fashion Reception which was held at the UNESCO headquarter in Paris on November 7. The 26-year-old designer Selamawit Mulugeta was selected to represent Ethiopia at the prestigious…