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Transportation disruptions in Amhara leave residents stranded

Since last Thursday, public transportation services across most areas of the Amhara region have been disrupted, causing widespread difficulties for residents. The interruption in transit has severely impacted the public, with witnesses and residents reporting that those needing medical care…
TPLF announces the removal of regional president Getachew Reda

The Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), led by Debretsion Gebremichael, has announced the removal of Tigray’s regional interim president, Getachew Reda, along with four other members of the interim administration. Those removed include Beyene Mekru, former leader of the Endowment…
Mild earthquake rattles eastern Ethiopia

A 4.9-magnitude earthquake was felt across the Ethiopian Rift Valley, west of Lake Awash, Mount Fentale area, and in the town of Metehara, on Sunday evening, sending some residents running for shelter. There were no reports of injuries or damage,…
የስኳር መጠን (ግሉኮስ) እንዲመጣጠን ማድረግ

የ32 ዓመቷ ፈረንሳዊት ባዮኬሚስት ጄሲ ኢንሾስፔ በብዙ ተወዳጅነት ያተረፉላት ሁለት መጻሕፍቶችን ጽፋ ለንባብ አብቅታለች። መልክቶቿን የምታስተላልፍበት ‘Glucose Goddess’  በሚለው የኢንስታግራም ስሟ የምትታወቀው ጄሲ ፤  4 ነጥብ 8 ሚሊዮን ተከታዮች አሏት። ጄሲ በደም ስር ውስጥ ያለን የስኳር መጠን (ግሉኮስ) በአንድ ቦታ…