How a massacre in the sacred city of Aksum unfolded

(BBC)-Eritrean troops fighting in Ethiopia’s northern region of Tigray killed hundreds of people in Aksum mainly over two days in November, witnesses say. The mass killings on 28 and 29 November may amount to a crime against humanity, Amnesty International…
ሐብል፣ አምባር፣ ጒትቻ ስልክ እና ጸሎት

እንደ ዘመኑ ሰው ስልኩም ወሬኛ ወረተኛ ሆነ። የፈረንጅ ስልክ አገራችን ከመግባቱ በፊት ሰው ከወዲያ ወዲህ ተጠራርቶ መጫጯህ ወጉ ነበረ፦ “ወይፈኑ ከጊደሮችህ ጋር መጥቶ ይሆን? …ኡዉይ! … ጠበል ቅመሱ! ቡና ጠጡ! …ኡዉይ! … ወንዙን እንደ ተሻገራችሁ፣ ከጒብታው ላይ ኢየሱስ ይታያችኋል፤ በስተቀኝ…
Seven killed in Tigray region bus attack

Seven people have been killed after a bus was attacked in the Tigray region, BBC Amharic reported citing eyewitnesses and hospital sources. Several others were injured and are being treated at hospitals. The bus was traveling from Mekele to Addis…
Inglizawi negn!

A poem by Chris Beckett Chris Beckett grew up in Ethiopia in the 1960s. His translation of poems by Bewketu Seyoum, In Search of Fat, was published by Flipped Eye in 2012 and his second collection of poems, Ethiopia Boy, came…
በንዲህ የተገኘ ወዳጅነት እንዴት ውብ ነው?

ተስፋ መስጠቱን እንጂ እምነት መዋረድን እንደሚጨምር ብዙ ሰው አይገነዘብም። ውርደትን ቀምሶ ማሳለፍ ግን ውሎ ሲያድር የትዝታ ጠባሳ ትቶ ያልፋል።እምነት ስንል ሁለት መልክ አለው። በሰው የሚታመን አለ፤ በፈጣሪው የሚታመን አለ። ሁለቱም ይፈተናሉ። አንደኛው ይወድቃል፣ ሌላኛው ይፀናል። ይኸኛው ራሱን ለማስወደድ ወድቆ ይነሳል፤…